Friday, February 22, 2008


I was so excited when a physics teacher called me up and asked me to sub.

My curriculum! Yippee!!!

I was pumped. So off to high school I went. Turns out this teacher was a traveling teacher, so he had no home base. Which kind of sucks. I also was a traveling teacher for a year and know that it is nice to be able to be found in one place and have one place to call yours and make yours. However, being a traveling teacher has no effect on my desire to teach. It's all about the kids.

So I got to school bright and early. The teacher had emailed me lesson plans, but the plans had included--get this book from this teacher, study up pages such and such, and teach it. It also said--watch such and such's class and then teach the same thing the next hour. I figured I probably should arrive early so that I knew what I was doing.

I got there early and found out that I was teaching Physical Science (Yippee!) to sophomores, Physics to Juniors, and Integrated math to freshmen. For the most part the day went well. The sophomores did awesome. They listened as I presented v = d/t. We solved problems together. Pretty much the whole class finished the worksheet and showed it to me. I made sure every one had the right answers and understood. feels so good to know that material was learned.

After this I had Physics, where I first observed the teacher and then taught the same material. In my opinion, the material was pretty simple. There were some variances from what I teach, but that is fine and expected. I also spoke to the department chair about the material and he agreed with me that the variances were not a big deal. However, I wanted to be consistent so I taught the way the other teacher had presented. Well this didn't entirely work. Some of the students argued over the material. I told them to talk to their teacher about it on Monday and expressed that the other classes were taught something differently. Very confusing!

Apparently this teacher follows the exact curriculum of several other teachers. I found this very interesting that he did the same worksheets and presented the material the same. I think this is an interesting and perhaps good idea for new teachers (which he may be---I don't know), but I know that in order to teach--I like to present the material in the best way I feel comfortable and in a unique way that will somehow grab students attention.

Now I know I was only there one day---so I really don't know the different methods they use and stuff, but I guess I am a bit concerned that if a teacher isn't taking the time to "own" the material and put their own creativity in it, it may not be taught in the best way. I also know that I would often alter my style and methods of teaching for my students as I got to know them better, so I was the most effective with them.

Anyway-- on to the rest of my day. The most challenging class I had was fourth hour physics. The kids just felt the need to make comments on everything. There was definitely a popularity contest going on as different kids tried to make the best "comment". So then I began my comments and kicked three students out. I have to say I was very glad that I forgot to take attendance. After I regained control of the class I was easily able to determine then, via attendance, the three young men I had sent out of the class.

After that I brought the students back in, only to quickly kick two of them back out again. ARGH! 11th graders can be some of the most challenging kids.

Reflecting on this--what could I have done better. Well, in the future I think I may take attendance in the middle/end of class. I only did it by accident, but it really helped me to get control. Secondly, I should have given a known allotment of time on the beginning class problem. (I was unsure how long to give them so I left it open ended and as result some kids slacked.) Next time I will give a time amount and then adjust if needed. These are the big things I will keep in mind for next time.

So the rest of the day was good. My next Physical Science class was just as good as the first one. And the last class of the day was Math for freshman. I am not sure I could have done anything much differently with this class. They were under control-however very few were doing their work--and I was under the impression that normally these kids don't' really do their work in this class. That and it was a Friday and the last class. I will keep thinking about this--but the teachers instructions were loose and like I said, looking at some of their previous work--it was probably a pretty typical day for these kids.

Well that is all for now---however I am going to start an entry on cell phones. I think this is a serious issue in schools that MUST be addressed. Until next time!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Physical Education

One of my last jobs was a PE teacher for an elementary school.

I was not feeling up to it---but took the job anyway.

It was nice wearing sneakers and a sweatshirt to a teaching job for a change.

I taught 8 classes that day and taught all grades k-5. I have a new respect for PE teachers now. I realize that PE teachers really don't get to know there students as well as a grade teacher. I saw about 240 kids that day--and realize that if I had subbed another day I would have seen another 240.

My gym was also the cafeteria. So if I set up equipment, I had to take it down and put it back up for lunch. That also meant that after lunch I had a sticky floor. YUCK. I also had little (less than 5 minutes) or no time between classes. So one minute I was teaching kindergartners, the next minute fifth graders--and it is hard to do the same activities for both grades, meaning I needed different equipment. Yeah-- a lot more respect for PE teachers. The day went fine for the most part. When I finished early, I would have the kids sit on a line and we would play telephone. This OLD OLD game is amazing. It gets all the kids quiet and keeps their full attention.

I got a little attitude from some fifth graders---but that is expected--and I just made them sit out for a few minutes. Even as a PE teacher, I made 4 kids cry. It is amazing how sensitive they are--which is good! Children should be that innocent.

Just to clarify, the kids that cried were kids that were talking when I was trying to talk, so I them sit against the wall. I think it just shocked them and probably scared them. These kids probably didn't get in trouble very often.

Anyway--all in all a good day. Oh yeah--this school calls recess Peaceful Play. That was a new one. And for "Peaceful Play" the school provided the kids with sleds and shovels and snow brick makers. The kids had an awesome time sledding and making snow forts. It was neat to watch.

Well that is all for now.

Next post--the physics teacher.....